Ser Mujer Study Bible with Large Print Closure RV1960, imitation leather pink floral and tulips with index
Ser Mujer Study Bible with Large Print Closure RV1960, imitation leather pink floral and tulips with index
Font size: 12 points.
This study Bible is an invitation to meet all the women of the Bible, those mentioned by name and the many who remain anonymous. How many women or groups of women does the Bible mention? Around 800. We surely never imagined there were so many.
Why are they mentioned in scripture?
Do they have any message for us today?
Each and every one of them appears in the Word of God for a reason, positive or negative. They were all important. They were all known and loved by God. So what are we waiting for? Let's go ahead! Let's get to know who they were, what they did, why they stood out and why they are mentioned. The message of some women may be minimal, but it is there, waiting to be read, meditated on, understood, admired, praised, believed, felt, compared, valued.
May the reading of the eternal Word of God, the stories of these nearly 800 women and groups of women, the prayers that use words from the Bible to speak to God, the Bible passages for countless occasions, the activities focused on biblical women and each element of this Bible be instruments that the Holy Spirit uses to speak to your heart, increase your faith and relate you personally with the Creator and Almighty God who pours out His grace in abundance on all who sincerely seek Him.
- Letterings in the book of Psalms
- Titles of each book written by hand
- Cross references
- More than 6,500 study notes
- 96 items
- Maps throughout the text
- Introductions to books and book blocks
- Biblical concordance
- How to teach the Bible to children
- Reading plans
- What the Bible says about each circumstance